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2023 is coming!, Let’s make a New Year’s Resolution!

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Traditionally, New Year’s Day is styled as the ideal time to kick start a new phase in your life and the time when you must make your all-important new year’s resolution.


Unfortunately, the beginning of the year is also one of the worst times to make a major change in your habits because it’s often a relatively stressful time, right in the middle of the party and vacation season. This is why over 80% of New Year’s Resolutions Fail.


Don't let yourself feel the same failure in the next year by following these tips.


Define your goals using SMART method

Based on New York Times, SMART method is the right method for you to apply when you are making new year's resolutions. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Example using SMART Method on your resolutions:

Specific: Choose "I want a morning run every day" instead of "I want to live a healthier life"

Measurable: I want to lose 45 pounds (20 Kg) of weight" instead of "I want to lose weight"

Achievable: Don't Target for Having Too Much Savings If Important Expenses Are Still High

Relevant: Choose the one that suits you, instead of just jumping on the bandwagon

Time-bound: Do not plan to lose 45 pounds (20 Kg) of weight in 1 week, give a healthy and realistic time.


Start from a small things

Indeed, the resolution should be able to change your habits during this time. However, don't let your resolution be hard to get. Just make a resolution that you assuredly can do, and avoid building a plan that is too complicated.


Anticipate Problems

Experience is one of the best teachers. your failed resolution in the previous year can be a good teacher to reach your new resolution.

You can start to identify what will probably be the problem you will face while doing your resolution based on the previous year or by predicting the future.

Once you’ve identified the root problems, you can anticipate or change your new year’s resolutions to the best plan that fits you.


Get Started Right Away!

Some people like to stick to the plan, and some people don’t. But what matters is just do it when your whole mind and body are ready to take on the challenge.

If you are the type of person that needs a fixed day, just do base on your own schedule. but if you are the type of person that just jump in into something, it’s also fine.

Just need to remember to always track your progress so you will not miss out on the improvement you already set.


Don’t hear them, Just Do it!

When you start to build your own resolution, it’s the one signal that you’re starting to have the willingness to change one aspect of your life. Of course, not everyone will support you, and some will even distrust your plan.

One big key to dealing with this is just don’t hear them.

By making your own resolution based on SMART method, you’re consciously aware of the abilities and shortcomings you have to achieve it.

Just believe in yourself and start it right away!


Keep your commitment by tracking your progress.

There’s nothing more motivating than seeing how far you’ve come. If you want to give yourself extra reassurance that you are heading in the right direction, track your progress.

When you see that you’ve come far and all the sacrifices you made were worthwhile, you will be more motivated to stick to your commitment.

Reviewing all the efforts you have made is also a great strategy for days when you feel that your motivation is dwindling.


Plan your Rewards

Small rewards are a great encouragement to keep you going during the hardest first days so make sure to master this step in how to make a new year resolution.

You deserve it and you’ll have earned it.


Final Thoughts

Every person has struggled to make new year’s resolutions and maintain them. So if you have had a bad track record in keeping your resolutions one day, do not beat yourself up too much. There is still hope. What sets success and failure apart is year long term commitment.


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Visit our website on to check the products that we are offering. Until supplies last!


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Writer: Marketing Team - December 23th, 2022

Posted in: Esco, Care!

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